lep storage

Manage File storage on the Lepton AI cloud.

Lepton AI provides a file storage service that allows you to store files and directories on the cloud. The storage is persistent and is associated with your workspace. You can mount the storage when you launch a photon and access the files and directories from your photon code as if they were on a standard POSIX filesystem.

The file commands allow you to list, upload, download, and delete files and directories in your workspace.


lep storage [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help : Show this message and exit.


  • download : Download a remote file.
  • du : Returns total disk usage of the workspace
  • ls : List the contents of a directory of the current file storage.
  • mkdir : Create a directory in the file storage of the current workspace.
  • rm : Delete a file in the file storage of the current workspace.
  • rmdir : Delete a directory in the file storage of the current workspace.
  • upload : Upload a local file to the storage of the current workspace.

lep storage du

Returns total disk usage of the workspace


lep storage du [OPTIONS]


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage ls

List the contents of a directory of the current file storage.


lep storage ls [OPTIONS] [PATH]


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage rm

Delete a file in the file storage of the current workspace. Note that wildcard is not supported yet.


lep storage rm [OPTIONS] PATH


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage rmdir

Delete a directory in the file storage of the current workspace. The directory must be empty. Note that wildcard is not supported yet.


lep storage rmdir [OPTIONS] PATH


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage mkdir

Create a directory in the file storage of the current workspace.


lep storage mkdir [OPTIONS] PATH


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage upload

Upload a local file to the storage of the current workspace. If remote_path is not specified, the file will be uploaded to the root directory of the storage. If remote_path is a directory, you need to append a "/", and the file will be uploaded to that directory with its local name.


lep storage upload [OPTIONS] LOCAL_PATH [REMOTE_PATH]


  • --rsync : Upload large files over 1 GBs with rsync for sustainability. Rsync is only available for standard and enterprise workspace plan. Add -p to show the progress.
  • -r, --recursive : Upload directories recursively. Only supported with --rsync.
  • -p, --progress : Show progress. Only supported with --rsync.
  • --help : Show this message and exit.

lep storage download

Download a remote file. If no local path is specified, the file will be downloaded to the current working directory with the same name as the remote file.


lep storage download [OPTIONS] REMOTE_PATH [LOCAL_PATH]


  • --help : Show this message and exit.

© Lepton AI Inc.