File Storage

Each photon deployment comes with ephemeral storage, but in many cases, we need a more persistent and sharable storage. Use cases include:

  • Keeping model checkpoint and other related data cached.
  • Cacheing and sharing stateful data between replicas or between runs.
  • Storing assets that do not belong to model themselves, but are needed for applications.

Lepton provides a persistent file storage for each workspace. Such storage could be mounted as a POSIX filesystem within the deployment, and you can use the dashboard to manage the files and folders within the file storage.

Upload files

To upload files, you can use Web UI, CLI, or Upload from Cloud to do so. Here are the details for each method.

Upload files with Web UI

You can upload files to the storage via the web UI. On the File System page, click Upload File then choose From local will open a file picker for you to select the file you want to upload.

Upload files with CLI

$ lep storage upload /local/path/to/a.txt /a.txt