BYOA - Lambda Labs

Lambda Labs is the "AI Developer Cloud" provides on-demand NVIDIA GPU instances and clusters for AI training and inference.

Lepton simplifies and supercharges Lambda instances, all you need to do is to provide your Lambda Labs API key, and you can launch and manage Lambda instances directly from Lepton.

Get a Lambda Labs API key

  1. Go to your Lambda Labs api keys page
  2. Click on "Generate API Key", and give it a name
  3. Copy the API key generated
lambdalabs-api-key 0.7x

Add Lambda Labs account to your workspace

  1. Go to your workspace
  2. Click on "Manage Provider"
  3. Select "Lambda Labs"
  4. Paste the API key into the input field
  5. Click on "Submit"
lambdalabs-add-account 0.7x

After adding the Lambda Labs account, you can see the binding status of the account in the workspace. Once it's ready, you can use the account to launch nodes.

Open ports for dev pods support(Optional)

If you want to use dev pods feature in your node group within Lambda Labs account, you need to open some more ports for your LambaLabs.

Head over to your Lambda Labs firewall page and click on "Edit" button in "Inbound rules" section. Click on "Add rule" button, and select "Custom TCP" in type dropdown, and set the port range from 40000 to 65535. Click on "Update" button to save the changes.

open ports for dev pods 0.7x
Lepton AI

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