Docker Hub

In this section, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Docker Hub for your Lepton workspace.

Create Access Token

Navigate to the personal access tokens page, click on Generate New Token. In the creation form, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Token description: A short description for the new access token.
  • Expiration date: Defaul is None, which means the token will never expire.
  • Access permissions: Select Read-only.
generate new token 0.7x

Click on Generate Token, and you will see the new access token created successfully. Copy and save the token securely, you will not be able to access it after closing the page.

copy 0.7x

You can learn more in the official documentation.

Create Registry Auth

Navigate to the registry settings page, click on New registry auth, and select Docker Hub as the source.

You need to fill in the following fields:

  • Username: Your Docker Hub username.
  • Access Token: The personal access token you just created.
creation form 0.8x

After filling in the form, click on Submit, and you will see the new registry auth created successfully.

For more details about how to and use the registry auth, you can refer to this page.

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